
Wednesday 11 July 2012

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang

Selamat menyambut hari anugerah cemerlang SMSAH 16.7.2012.

Saturday 11 February 2012

Cabaran menjadi seorang pendidik

Menjadi seorang pendidik merupakan cita-cita seseorang yang ingin melihat anak bangsanya berjaya. Tetapi apabila kita memasuki arena perguruan kita akan menghadapi pula permasalahan, kekadang kita keliru dengan keputusan kita. Memberontak apabila adanya kroni-kroni dalam kumpulan tertentu. Apalagi apabila hanya kita seorang dalam bidang P&P tersebut. Kita hanya mampu diletakkan dalam bidang tugas ajk yang sama apabila ada majlis-majlis rasmi tanpa mahu mengambilkira perasaan kita yang memberontak akibat jemu dengan tugasan yang sama. Mulalah timbul perasaan ingin bertukar ke tempat lain. Pihak pentadbiran atau pihak yang ditugaskan membuat ajk hanya hanya ingin memudahkan kerja copy paste sahaja dari tugas yang lepas tanpa mahu mengubah. Fikirkanlah cikgu yang telah bertahun-tahun pegang ajk yang sama... tidakkah ini menjemukan dan akibatnya kerja yang dibuat hala-balai... dah kena marah pula.... FIKIR-FIKIRKAN LAH.....
Tahniah di atas kejayaan semua pelajar C & I....

Monday 9 January 2012

suriana ahmad 810409

Tuesday 3 January 2012 
First, it fails to address the “so what?” question. What is the purpose of the blog? Other criteria have to relate to this directly. For example, do the illustrations used further the blog’s purpose?
As an adjunct to this, even if the blog’s purpose is clear, is there actually any point to the blog? I mean, many (student) blogs seem to exist simply to relate the minutiae of the writer’s life: why should I be interested? I realise that that sounds rather crass, but let me put it this way. A few years ago I picked up an article that purported to be a review of the BETT show. In fact, two thirds of it were about the writer’s journey to the BETT show. What made him think anyone else cared?
Second, the rubric implies that the more multimedia there is, the better. But, as stated above, any multimedia should serve the blog’s purpose or enhance it in some way. The enhancement aspect is covered, but in the context of multiple pieces of multimedia. What if the student had selected the “perfect” illustration? How would adding more add to the quality of the blog? Sometimes – in fact, often – less is more.
Third, the rubric contains criteria related to how interesting the style and voice are. But what about a very simple, and yes, highly subjective, criterion: how enjoyable was it to read? Writing is meant to be read, and it can be interesting and well-illustrated, but if it’s not actually enjoyable to read, who will want to read it?
Fourth, is it good enough to have been published and paid for? I think this is perhaps controversial, but if a magazine editor could see themselves paying the writer for publishing the blog post then it surely means it must have some merit?


Pendaftaran Pelajar Tingkatan 1

4hb. January 2012 , Bermulanya kehidupan pelajar tingkatan 1 di Sekolah Menengah Sultan Abdul Halim. Semoga kedatangan pelajar tingkatan 1 ke sini mereka bersemangat untuk belajar. Tahniah di atas kedatangan anda.